Posts by: Dr. Craig Joseph, Chief Medical Officer


Burnout's triple threat: Compromising care, clinicians, and cash flow

Burnout can lead to turnover and workforce reductions, impacting quality of care and revenue in any healthcare system. Find out how you can combat burnout in the latest edition of the Checkup by Dr. Craig Joseph.


Want to improve patient safety? Up your EHR’s usability

A recent study discovered a significant link between the safety of EHR systems and the user experience of frontline clinicians. The frustration caused by poorly designed EHRs could affect patient safety, read more from Craig Joseph, MD, in this edition of the Checkup.


Shared decision-making: The standard of care we need

As the decisions that patients have to make about their health involve a plethora of nuanced questions, leveraging shared decision-making can ensure that physician recommendations are balanced with patient preferences and values.


EHRs or social interactions: Can’t we have both?

In this edition of the Checkup, Craig Joseph, MD discusses the balance between leveraging technology for physicians while prioritizing social interactions.

Health IT

Note bloat, we can’t quit you

Compared to nations with similar economies, progress notes in the U.S. are extremely voluminous. In this edition of the Checkup, Dr. Craig Joseph dives into the perils of note bloat and what’s needed to course correct.


An inch deep and a mile wide

The knowledge currently behind AI is wide but not deep. The words are there, but true understanding hasn't reached its full potential.


Will AI help healthcare systems fight against disintermediation?

In the latest edition of the Checkup, Dr. @CraigJoseph reviews use cases for AI in healthcare to free up time for more human-driven work. It’s not the be-all and end-all to fix healthcare, but a step in the right direction.

Health IT

Doctor, do you mind the interruption?

Clinical decision support is often associated with pop-up alerts that take over the screen and interrupt workflow. Dr. Craig Joseph discusses why non-interruptive clinical decision support needs to become the norm.


The impending crisis in healthcare: Lessons from SVB's collapse

Recent banking failures have raised alarm bells for many, even those in the healthcare industry. In this edition of the Checkup, Dr. Craig Joseph tells a cautionary tale of the parallels between banking collapse and the current strain on healthcare systems.


Be the Poison Control (or help desk) operator your colleagues need you to be

In this edition of the Checkup, Dr. Craig Joseph frames clinical helpdesks as specialized helplines to provide streamlined assistance and increase efficiencies.


Choice architecture to the rescue

EHR workflows can often benefit from purposeful design tweaks to improve clinical needs and operational efficiencies. Find out how in this edition of the Checkup from Dr. Craig Joseph.

Health IT

See a Mumpsimus? Stop a Mumpsimus!

Help stop mumpsimuses at the source! The pandemic exposed many of these unreasonable traditions and has proven we should reconsider their use in healthcare.

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