Posts by: Lindsey Manzuk, Implementation Strategy Director

implementation planning

4 common pitfalls to avoid during your EHR implementation [Executive Summary]

Lindsey Manzuk shares how to overcome four common EHR implementation pitfalls and achieve clinical transformation.


Staffing your EHR implementation: 3 traits for transformational results

Lindsey Manzuk, our Implementation Strategy Director, shares the top three traits you should look for when staffing your EHR implementation.

implementation planning

Staffing your EHR implementation: 4 areas to watch as you plan

Are you planning an implementation and unsure if your staffing model will work for your organization? Lindsey has some tips for areas to watch as you plan.

EHR project management

How to identify an excellent project manager

Do you know the characteristics that make a great project manager? Our optimization expert Lindsey Manzuk shares five tips for spotting one.

EHR project management

Four common pitfalls in project management (and how to improve)

Are you struggling to find great project managers or grow your existing ones? Here, we outline the four areas PMs struggle – and how to improve in each area.

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