Posts by: Nordic

corporate social responsibility

Building stability, breaking the cycle of poverty [Habitat for Humanity]

Bethany Klein, development director for Habitat for Humanity Dane County talks about the Nordic/Habitat project and the impact it will have on the community.


Training your affiliate partners: 3 best practices

If you are preparing to roll out your EHR to affiliates and putting a training plan in place, here are a couple of best practices to keep in mind.

mergers and acquisitions

Rolling out to an owned site versus via Community Connect: Nordic’s take

Nordic VP of Affiliate Solutions Abby Polich discusses the key differences between rolling out to an owned site versus to a Community Connect project.

provider efficiency

Two changes that allow growing patient volume without negative impact [4-min. video]

What happens when your patient volume increases and nothing else changes? Learn about the challenges and two things you can do to prevent them.

revenue cycle

Improve your revenue cycle: Make your providers more accessible [podcast]

Improve your revenue cycle by opening up your providers’ schedules. Two experienced Nordic consultants discuss the process, challenges, and results.


6 tips for rocking Nordic’s best* maxim: Listen.

Graphic Designer Jenny Dahl participated in a session focused on listening. In the spirit of “Grow. Teach.” we’ll share with you what Jenny shared.


Large EHR implementations: Two critical success factors [video]

What sets on-time and on-budget EHR projects apart? The go-lives that went by without a hitch? What are the leadership keys to success?


Join in Nordic’s Community Giveback Week May 16-21, 2016

Nordic's plans for Community Giveback Week. Service projects all over the country from May 16-21, 2016. Why tell you? So you can join us, of course!

revenue cycle

The Impact of Increased Patient Referrals and Retention Rates

This video shows how increasing capacity with referrals and patient retention affects your ability to provide care and produce positive outcomes.


#HIMSS16 - What the Nordic-Qlik partnership means for clients

Quick discussion about what the Nordic-Qlik partnership means and how it enables organizations to achieve their data and analytics goals more efficiently.


Tips for your Epic phases of care implementation

Phases of Care is an automation in the Epic system that allows us to manage orders a little bit more efficiently. Learn more.

Performance Improvement

Chronic Care Management from three perspectives

Discussion covers CCM from the point of view of the patient, the provider, and then the IT team, sharing some of the different organizational approaches.

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Get the highest quality chemistry and microbiology testing services aligned closely with current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) for all types of products across all phases of development.

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