Things to consider when embarking on a merger or acquisition

When extending technologies to an acquired organization or as the result of a merger, there are many factors that play a role in the success of the partnership. In the video below, Nordic Senior Consultant Kristen Schmidt offers her expertise in this area.

She recommends a focus on how the incoming technology will affect people and processes and the strong foundation needed to support this change. Kristen also recommends establishing a strong governance to ensure the right IT and operational leaders are set up to make sound decisions and that expectations are documented and clear.

Lastly, it’s important to understand that each organization has a different culture, which will have an impact on decision making during implementation as well as on those learning the new systems.

If you’d like to learn more about how Nordic can guide your team through change management, project management, and governance requirements to achieve the best outcomes for your patients during these complex transformations, let’s talk.



Topics: mergers and acquisitions, featured

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