Designing for Health: Interview with Stefanie Simmons, MD [Podcast]

Mental health stigma continues to be a major issue in healthcare, exacerbated by the overwhelming stress and burnout that healthcare workers face daily. Increasing burnout highlights the urgent need for change. It is crucial to advocate for transparency in medical licensing and to make mental health resources more accessible to healthcare professionals. By normalizing conversations about mental health and encouraging the sharing of firsthand experiences of vulnerability, we can break the stigma around seeking help, fostering a healthier and more sustainable workforce in healthcare.

On today’s episode of In Network's Designing for Health podcast, Nordic Chief Medical Officer Craig Joseph, MD, talks with Stefanie Simmons, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes' Foundation. They discuss Stefanie’s background, the impact of mental health stigma involving healthcare professionals, and the WELL-OPS approach which provides strategy for improving healthcare worker’s well-being. They also talk about the foundation’s work to reduce burnout and foster collaboration among healthcare organizations to improve workforce wellness. To learn more about the foundation and become more involved, visit the website at

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In Network's The Consulting Show podcast feature is available on all major podcasting platforms, including Apple PodcastsAmazon MusiciHeartPandoraSpotify, and more. Search for 'In Network' and subscribe for updates on future episodes. Like what you hear? Leave a 5-star rating and write a review to help others find the podcast.

Want to learn more from Dr. Joseph? Order a copy of his book, Designing for Health. 



Topics: featured, Healthcare, podcast

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