Keys to a successful requirements gathering process [#HIMSS17]

HIMSS17-Kelsey.jpgOne of the most significant areas that can impact the end result of an EHR project is requirements gathering. In this video, Manager of Optimization Solutions Kelsey Bonney discusses requirements collection, which was the topic of a learning session she attended at HIMSS this week.

Some of the mistakes organizations make are not gathering enough information at the start of the project or only engaging stakeholders early in the project and not as it evolves. Communicating early and often with stakeholders can ensure that your project actually solves the problems everyone has identified. Kelsey explains the importance of a collaborative and dynamic process to keep everyone involved.

If you'd like to discuss your EHR project and how our consultants can help, give us a call.

Below the video, you can view a few more takeaways from the learning session. For more insights, follow @nordicwi on Twitter.


Topics: events, EHR, Implementation

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