As a cold autumn wind blows here in Wisconsin, 2016 is right around the corner! Medicare is also preparing for 2016 with its Inpatient and Outpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS/OPPS) final rules published and awaiting final comments. Here at Nordic we have been taking stock of the potential EHR impacts:
- Full adoption of bundled payments for knee and hip replacements
- Changes to Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APC) groupers for multi-specialty visits, procedures, and labs
- Updates to observation patient management and charging including the Two-Midnight rule
- Several additional quality reporting requirements for Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting program (Hospital IQR)
- Additional PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting (PCHQR) program patient safety measures. Much like 2015 with the definition of Chronic Care Management, the industry is abuzz about the new updates.
Also, like 2015, we are evaluating solutions to help our clients and are interested in your thoughts. Are you planning to seek outside help to prepare your operations group and ensure your EHR can meet these requirements? Are your commercial payers tagging onto these themes in your contractual negotiations?
Let us know if we can help!