Posts in: corporate social responsibility (2)

corporate social responsibility (2)

A little bit about Nordic's take on corporate social responsibility

Nordic recently hosted a couple events to raise awareness about its corporate social responsibility program with a focus on hunger, education, and empowerment.

corporate social responsibility (2)

#NordicGivesBack [4-min. recap]

Last week over 140 Nordic consultants and home office team members participated in Nordic’s Community Giveback Week. Learn more about where we served.

corporate social responsibility (2)

A "food insecurity" primer for healthcare providers

Learn about food insecurity and how a simple two-question screener could help healthcare providers put an end to hunger.

corporate social responsibility (2)

Building stability, breaking the cycle of poverty [Habitat for Humanity]

Bethany Klein, development director for Habitat for Humanity Dane County talks about the Nordic/Habitat project and the impact it will have on the community.

corporate social responsibility (2)

Join in Nordic’s Community Giveback Week May 16-21, 2016

Nordic's plans for Community Giveback Week. Service projects all over the country from May 16-21, 2016. Why tell you? So you can join us, of course!

corporate social responsibility (2)

Nordic helping the veterans, unemployed workers

Nordic is teaming up with local organizations to benefit the community throughout the week.

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