Posts in: Epic upgrades

Epic upgrades

Webinar recap: Testing and training best practices for Epic quarterly upgrades

View Nordic's latest webinar to learn how to adjust your approach to testing and training with quarterly upgrades.

Epic upgrades

Quarterly upgrades one year later: 6 takeaways for a smoother transition

After a year of quarterly upgrades, two experts provide an update on how organizations have handled this transition and what they've learned.

Epic upgrades

Five steps you can take right now to prepare for quarterly EHR upgrades

In case you missed our webinar on successfully transitioning to the quarterly upgrade model, here are five steps our senior consultants recommend you take right now to prepare for the switch.

Epic upgrades

Why you shouldn’t delay your EHR upgrade

Don't delay your Epic upgrades and optimization - learn from Nordic's Lindsay Manzuk how to take advantage of new Epic functionality and enhancements.

Epic upgrades

5 critical steps within a successful Epic upgrade project

An overview of Epic upgrades, the structure of an upgrade project, and five critical steps that will help you upgrade as smoothly as possible.

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Get the highest quality chemistry and microbiology testing services aligned closely with current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) for all types of products across all phases of development.

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