Posts in: featured (15)

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An ounce of prevention

Learn more about how we can better prevent, not just treat, healthcare worker burnout in the latest Checkup from Dr. Craig Joseph.

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What’s cloud got to do with it?

Modernizing a health system’s data enterprise through cloud transformation prepares it for the future and benefits functions across the organization. Learn more about the benefits of cloud modernization in our latest blog by Kevin Erdal, Managing Director and Practice Lead of Digital Health.

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Elevating the power of the shared patient record

A comprehensive and strategic method of information sharing exists in the healthcare ecosystem and is gaining increasing attention: the shared patient record model. Learn more about this from Director of Advisory Services, Doug Turner, and Managing Director, Markets - Advisory Services, Win Vaughn.

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Essential ephemera: The sad, over-too-quickly life of a wearable datum

The devices we wear are capable of generating millions of data points every day. But are there ways we can better utilize this information to improve the lives of patients? Read the latest Checkup from Dr. Craig Joseph to learn more.

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Nordic's nurses weigh-in for International Nurses Day

Hear from nurses across Nordic Global in honor of International Nurses Day.

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“Clickbusters” can bust more than clicks

How did Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) improve their clinical decision support tools, and what does this have to do with a golden mouse? Read the latest Checkup from Dr. Craig Joseph to learn more about the “Clickbusters” initiative, and how this program brought together a team of clinicians invested in improving EHR usage.

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How interoperability can support value-based care

The healthcare industry continues to move away from the traditional fee-for-service (FFS) payment model and toward value-based care (VBC). Read on to learn more about how interoperability can support this shift.

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User-centered system design can help save lives

The Checkup blog series continues from last week with part 2 providing an in-depth look that focuses on the systemic problems that played a large part in the tragic case of RaDonda Vaught, and how a user-centered focus can decrease the likelihood of such a problem happening again.

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It takes a system to keep us safe

In his most recent blog (part 1 of 2), Dr. Craig Joseph outlines the circumstances involved in the case of RaDonda Vaught, a Tennessee nurse found culpable in the death of patient Charlene Murphey in 2017. Read on to learn more about the case.

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Modern love: Why modernizing the enterprise beats an innovation-only focus

Radical changes in healthcare won’t come from the churn and burn of digital innovation, but instead from the infrastructure modernization that is so sorely needed. Learn why modernizing the enterprise is key to unlocking improved delivery and health outcomes in this article from Dr. Jerome Pagani.

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The value of data infrastructure modernization for the health system [Podcast]

In this podcast, our panelists discuss data infrastructure modernization and how it can positively impact both business operations and the patient population.

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Guidelines will rule the world

What role will guidelines play in the future of healthcare? Read Dr. Craig Joseph's latest Checkup to learn more.

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