Posts in: featured (18)

featured (18)

Decentralized care: The changing healthcare ecosystem

The hospital facility is no longer the center of the healthcare universe.

featured (18)

The new healthcare ecosystem: Preparing for decentralized care

Adapting to a future with increasing competition for health consumers' attention (and revenue).

featured (18)

Get to know Nordic

Nordic connects people, data, and technology to create a healthier world.

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Connecting the future of healthcare

It’s time to think long term about the types of connection needed to ensure our healthcare systems are ready to adapt and lead through disruption.

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Spelunking through the medical chart

Get your hard hat and flashlight ready for an adventure through the EHR. Find out why you’ll need them in the Checkup.

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Primary care is an essential part of a usable healthcare system

Nordic’s CMO Dr. Craig Joseph argues that a usable healthcare system should be team-based with a user-centric healthcare IT system.

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Polishing your portal to empower patients

Nordic's Tanner Pederson provides tips for optimizing your referral workflows to allow your patients to become their own referral coordinator.

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The good stuff is rarely learned in meetings

Though teleconferences and video calls have become the norm, Dr. Craig Joseph opines that in-person interactions still have tremendous value.

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Big data and interoperability: The keys to better healthcare interactions

Nordic’s CEO Jim Costanzo believes that data and interoperability are the keys to designing better healthcare interactions.

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An enterprise roadmap to data conversions

The road to data conversions can be bumpy. Nordic’s Scott Isaacson lays out a roadmap to make your journey smooth, leading to a stronger business with better outcomes.

featured (18)

Evolution of Service Capture - Webinar Recording

Panelists from Nordic and Texas Children's Hospital discuss service capture best practices and a successful collaboration between the two organizations.

featured (18)

Patient identifiers: A solution whose time has come

Dr. Craig Joseph shares his thoughts on why patient identification tools are a necessity in the U.S. healthcare system.

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