Posts in: featured (6)

featured (6)

Designing for Health: Interview with Gary Kaplan, MD [Podcast]

Nordic Chief Medical Officer Craig Joseph, MD, chats with Gary Kaplan, MD, CEO emeritus of Virginia Mason Franciscan Health. They discuss how Dr. Kaplan spearheaded a revolution in the patient experience at Virginia Mason and more.

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Trust or bust: Healing healthcare's credibility crisis

Trust is the foundation of any healthcare system. But in the U.S., it has eroded greatly since the pandemic. Restoring confidence in those who care for us is critical. In this blog post, Chief Medical Officer Craig Joseph, MD, shares a variety of suggestions for rebuilding trust.

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5 questions to ask when you're at a crossroads in your EHR strategy

Optimizing or transitioning your EHR can feel daunting. Consider starting the process with value-driven questions that can help you avoid surprises, streamline decision-making, and get the most value out of your efforts.

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Designing for Health: Interview with David K Butler, MD [Podcast]

Join Chief Medical Officer Craig Joseph, MD, as he talks with David Butler, MD, about virtualists, EHR gamification, and more.

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To sit or not to sit: How a chair can affect patient satisfaction

A recent study highlights an example of choice architecture and the role that nudges play in patient care and satisfaction. Read more from Chief Medical Officer Craig Joseph, MD.

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Designing for Health: Interview with Kevin Dufendach, MD, and Andy Spooner, MD [Podcast]

Chief Medical Officer Craig Joseph, MD, speaks with Cincinnati Children's Hospital's Kevin Dufendach, MD, and Andy Spooner, MD, about clinical informatics and the role of AI in reducing documentation.

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How to succeed in value-based care without really trying

Moving from a volume-based to a value-based care system takes a multifaceted approach. Dr. Craig Joseph offers his advice for a successful transition.

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Designing for Health: Interview with Lalita Abhyankar, MD [Podcast]

Chief Medical Officer Craig Joseph, MD, chats with Lalita Abhyankar, MD, family physician and clinic medical director at Carbon Health. They discuss her medical background, the evolving mission of Carbon Health, and her journey in understanding change management.

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Before implementation, think about prehabilitation

After a medical procedure, it’s common to go through a rehabilitation process. A lesser-known but emerging concept is prehabilitation. Similar lessons can be useful for healthcare organizations when undergoing large transformations or technological implementations.

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Designing for Health: Interview with Billy Nicolich [Podcast]

Billy Nicolich, healthcare product manager at Press Ganey, discusses experience design, the legacy and impact of nudge units, and why he sees history as being divided into 'pre-manifesto' and 'post-manifest.'

featured (6)

Designing for Health: Interview with Margaret Lozovatsky, MD [Podcast]

Nordic Chief Medical Officer Craig Joseph chats with Dr. Margaret Lozovatsky about her background as a pediatrician, her experience working on EHR, governance structure, continuous improvement, and design process dangers.

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Apollo’s Curse: When AI Predicts and Doctors Resist

AI is an increasingly popular tool in healthcare, but a recent study from Vanderbilt Health shows many physicians still go with their own best judgment. Read more from Dr. Craig Joseph.

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