Posts in: podcast (5)

podcast (5)

Making Rounds: Leveraging analytics to create efficiencies [Podcast]

Healthcare is sitting on a trove of data just waiting to be activated to increase efficiencies and create better experiences for clinicians and patients.

podcast (5)

Designing for Health: Interview with Chris McCarthy, Part 2 [Podcast]

Nordic Chief Medical Officer Dr. Craig Joseph and Head of Thought Leadership Dr. Jerome Pagani continue their conversation with Chris McCarthy of ILN Coaching and Consulting to discuss the origins of the Innovation Learning Network and much more.

podcast (5)

Designing for Health: Interview with Dr. Archana Tedone [Podcast]

In this episode of the In Network Designing for Health podcast, Nordic Chief Medical Officer Dr. Craig Joseph and Head of Thought Leadership Dr. Jerome Pagani chat with organizational psychologist and assistant professor at the University of Baltimore Dr. Archana Tedone.

podcast (5)

Making Rounds: Modernizing business intelligence for stronger data analysis [Podcast]

In the latest episode of Making Rounds, Dr. Jerome Pagani speaks with digital data experts Kevin Erdal and Michelle Peranelli about the challenges of healthcare data analysis and what’s needed for successful BI modernization.

podcast (5)

Designing for Health: Interview with Chris McCarthy [Podcast]

ILN Coaching & Consulting’s Chris McCarthy speaks with Nordic Chief Medical Officer Dr. Craig Joseph and Head of Thought Leadership Dr. Jerome Pagani in this episode of In Network’s Designing for Health podcast.

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Designing for Health: Interview with Dr. Srinath Adusumalli

Hear from Dr. Srinath Adusumalli as he chats with Nordic’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Craig Joseph and Head of Thought Leadership Dr. Jerome Pagani in this podcast episode.

podcast (5)

Making Rounds: The Big Squeeze in Healthcare [Podcast]

Dr. Jerome Pagani chats with Digital Health Practice Leader Kevin Erdal and Managed Services Practice Leader Paul Slaughter to discuss the many challenges healthcare systems face in this episode of In Network’s podcast feature Making Rounds.

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Designing for Health: Interview with Memora Health’s Omar Nagji [Podcast]

Find out what the secret sauce needed to move the needle on healthcare's biggest problems in the latest episode of the In Network podcast feature Designing for Health featuring Memora Health Chief Commercial Officer, Omar Nagji.

podcast (5)

Designing for Health: Interview with UCHealth CMIO Dr. CT Lin [Podcast]

UCHealth CMIO Dr. CT Lin shares how he applies aspects of mindfulness in both his personal and professional lives, how being intentional about the patient experience can improve the overall healthcare journey, and why he’s passionate about transparency.

podcast (5)

Making Rounds: The up and downside of disintermediation [Podcast]

In this episode of the In Network podcast feature Making Rounds, Head of Thought Leadership Dr. Jerome Pagani discusses key aspects of the Big Squeeze with Chief Medical Officer Dr. Craig Joseph.

podcast (5)

Designing for Health: Interview with Seattle Children’s CIO Dr. Zafar Chaudry [Podcast]

In this episode of Nordic’s In Network podcast feature, Designing for Health, Seattle Children’s CIO Dr. Zafar Chaudry speaks with Nordic’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Craig Joseph and Head of Thought Leadership Dr. Jerome Pagani to discuss the importance of communication and inclusivity in human-centered design.

podcast (5)

Designing for Health: Interview with KeyCare CEO Dr. Lyle Berkowitz [Podcast]

In this episode of the Designing for Health podcast, KeyCare CEO Dr. Lyle Berkowitz speaks with Chief Medical Officer Dr. Craig Joseph and Head of Thought Leadership Dr. Jerome Pagani about how reframing technology designs can change the way that healthcare is delivered.

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