"They say on your deathbed, you never wish you’d spent more time at the office, but I will. Got to be a lot better than a deathbed.” – Michael Scott, The Office
We’re hesitant to identify too strongly with Michael Scott, but when it comes to this sentiment, we agree. When you work with amazing people on interesting things, it’s easy to love coming to work every day. Our culture is the reason we get consistently great reviews on Glassdoor — and why we’re on multiple industry lists of best places to work.
If you’re wondering what it’s like to work at Nordic — or you already work here and want that warm, fuzzy feeling — check out our videos below.

1. We have an amazing culture
For some people, it’s the freedom to carve out their own path; for others, it’s the sweet green backpack (we support any and all reasons for liking it here). Check out why we continue to choose Nordic every day:
For a deeper look into our culture, check out Why These Epic EHR Consultants Choose Nordic — and take a look at some of the fun we have along the way.
2. We stand for something
We have 11 maxims that remind us how to be kind, creative, and indispensable every day at work. You don’t have to get the maxims tattooed on your body, but we won’t be upset if you do. Watch our people describe what the maxims mean to them:
5. Assume the best intentions.

8. In chaos, fear, and confusion, be a rock.
9. Think, act, adapt with urgency.
3. We give back together
We love our communities, and we love to spend time making them better places to live and work. Take a look at how we work as a team to make the world more awesome.
If you’d like to see more about Nordic’s culture, check out our Life at Nordic YouTube playlist, updated regularly with new content. And don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!