Navigating health IT complexities with end-to-end solutions

KatherineHospitals and health systems of all sizes and at all stages of digital maturity are facing the challenge of choosing the right health IT solutions to optimize front-end and back-end enterprise operations while also meeting clinical and financial objectives. Developing and continuously promoting the right mindset around the purpose and value of health IT is critical for any health IT modernization effort. Additionally, a comprehensive approach is needed at every step of the journey to create a thriving future that connects people, data, and technology for enhanced outcomes  

Part I: Unlocking the value of IT in healthcare

“If we want to grasp the true potential of technology, we need to stop seeing IT as a commodity and instead embrace it as an asset that can transform not only how care is delivered, but the healthcare industry as a whole.”  

– Paul Slaughter, Chief Operating Officer, Nordic 

When technology stacks are treated as enterprise-wide assets and viewed as the foundation of healthcare transformation, they can deliver enormous value to hospitals and health systems. However, that vision cannot be achieved by imposing industry-agnostic solutions onto a complex sector with specific needs. Realizing the true promise of digital tools requires an end-to-end program that’s designed for healthcare, supports frontline workers and operations, and arrives at scale. A full-circle approach that spans all departments can yield cost savings out of the gate, and enable scale, industry-specific efficiencies, and the ability to flex services up and down as needed. The real payoff comes from increased operational efficiency and quality patient care. The longer-term value of this model unlocks a virtuous circle, freeing the resources needed to drive ongoing improvements that can keep up with the current unprecedented pace of change. 

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Part II: Laying the groundwork for successful health IT implementations

The strength of any health IT effort hinges on meticulous pre-planning and execution. By investing time and resources in a well-defined pre-implementation strategy, healthcare organizations can mitigate risks, optimize resources, and achieve the desired results. Key activities include:

Through a robust pre-implementation phase, healthcare organizations can reap significant benefits, such as:

  • Maximized efficiency: Streamline project timelines and resource allocation through careful planning.
  • Mitigated risks: Identify and address potential challenges early in the process.
  • Improved decision making: Establish a clear governance structure for effective decision-making.
  • Enhanced stakeholder engagement: Foster buy-in and support through open communication and collaboration.
  • Long-term success: Set the foundation for a successful health IT implementation that delivers measurable results.


3 foundational elements of a successful health IT initiative


Need expert guidance on building a strong foundation for your health IT initiative? Book a 1:1 call with a Nordic team member.

Part III: Realizing the full potential of your technology stack

The modern healthcare landscape is defined by an intricate interplay of technologies working in concert to deliver the best patient care and alleviate the burden on clinicians. From foundational systems like the EHR to emerging frontiers like generative AI, these systems must seamlessly integrate to maximize their impact.

To truly realize the full value of the technology stack, healthcare organizations must focus on creating a cohesive ecosystem where data flows freely between applications and functions, enabling real-time insights and improved decision-making. Technology is no longer just an IT responsibility; it's a vital, interconnected component driving innovation and growth across all departments. Just as the human body relies on a complex network of systems, organizations depend on technology as a central nervous system for optimal performance. By breaking down silos and fostering interoperability, healthcare providers can unlock the full potential of their investments, which includes streamlined operations and workflows and advanced care team collaboration.

Consider the overlap between EHRs and enterprise resource planning systems. Data fluidity between the platforms is crucial for financial, operational, and clinical efficiency. Imagine the power of combining cloud technology with advanced analytics to uncover hidden insights and enhance resource allocation. With the right tools, information, and people working together in harmony, the potential to reshape healthcare delivery and redefine patient experiences is limitless.

Want to dive deeper into this topic? Explore this insightful blog post:

Fostering collaboration: Integrating informatics and IT for patient-centered care



Part IV: Real-world success stories

Healthcare leaders are embracing a holistic approach to their digital modernization efforts and experiencing meaningful, enterprise-wide advances. Here are some examples:

The digital transformation of Canada's largest province-wide ICS

Alberta Health Systems faced challenges that included fragmented data sharing and management, poor coordination of care pathways across departments and hospitals, and multiple legacy solutions with over 2,000 active total applications. The health system strategized to digitally transform and revolutionize its healthcare ecosystem within five years to enhance patient care, streamline workflow processes, and improve overall operational efficiency.

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Margin improvement transformation: an additional 1% increase in margin improvement and still growing

Nordic and Lawrence General Hospital partnered on a second phase of their initiative to continue to increase revenue and improve margins. This partnership has resulted in $10.4M in annualized revenue gains for LGH, representing a 4.2% increase in their total net revenue. Phase II improvements are projected to contribute $2.5M to LGH’s overall revenue gain. 

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Digital partnership success story: VHC Health and Nordic

As part of a new outpatient initiative, VHC Health partnered with Nordic to implement a new patient access solution that helped increase growth, improve efficiency, and heighten patient satisfaction.


Part V: Accelerating your digital journey with a strategic partner

Collaborating on technology projects with an experienced strategic partner who knows and has experience with healthcare from every angle can bring powerful expertise, guidance, and resources to every phase of the process. Leveraging the deep industry knowledge and proven methodologies of a professional team can help healthcare organizations navigate the complexities of technology adoption and achieve their desired outcomes.

Key roles of a strategic partner:

  • Vision and strategy development: collaborating with clients to define long-term goals, develop comprehensive roadmaps, and align IT initiatives with organizational objectives
  • Gap analysis and assessment: identifying areas for improvement and prioritizing initiatives based on business impact and return on investment
  • Solution selection and implementation: providing expert guidance on technology selection, vendor evaluation, and project management
  • Change management and adoption: developing strategies to overcome resistance to change and ensure successful user adoption
  • Data analytics and optimization: using data to drive decision-making, improve efficiency, and enhance patient outcomes
  • Ongoing support and optimization: providing ongoing maintenance, support, and optimization services to maximize the value of IT investments


Benefits of working with a strategic partner:

  • Accelerated time-to-value: achieving desired outcomes faster through expert guidance and resources
  • Reduced risk: mitigating implementation challenges and minimizing disruptions to operations
  • Improved efficiency: optimizing processes and workflows to enhance productivity and cost-effectiveness
  • Enhanced patient care: delivering better patient outcomes through the effective use of technology
  • Access to expertise: using the partner's deep industry knowledge and best practices


Interested in partnering with Nordic to achieve your end-to-end digital transformation goals? Get started today with a free consultation.

Topics: Health IT, featured

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